
Tanzania Bureau of Standards has a well-established Test House which offers testing of different products samples. The Test House was established in 1982 in order to:

a) Assist manufacturers to improve the quality of their products;

b) Provide facilities for the testing of products to ensure their suitability for their intended use; and

c) Verify pre-export and pre-import product quality.

The TBS Test House also provides quick, accurate and confidential test facilities for type testing, audit testing, technical guidance and advice on test methods and training of laboratory personnel.

The Bureau has nine (9) laboratories specified as follows:

1.Chemistry Laboratory

2.Food Chemistry Laboratory

3. Microbiology Laboratory

4. Cotton, Textile and Leather Laboratory

5.Packaging Technology Centre

6.Building and Construction Laboratory

7.Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

8.Electrical Engineering Laboratory

9. Metrology Laboratory

For more details concerning Testing Services please click the link below:


For information on testing procedure kindly click the link below:

sample testing procedure