Invest in quality infrastructure to bring about economic growth, producers told

Posted On: Nov, 14 2023
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Producers and service providers from both in the public and private sector have been urged to invest in quality infrastructure as this is one of the most important areas needed to contribute to economic growth and the development of the industrial sector and investment.

Sempeho Nyari, director of industrial development in the Ministry of Industries and Trade made the call in Dar es Salaam at the weekend during the commemoration of the World Quality Week.

He said that this year’s theme of “Quality: realizing your competitive potential aligns with the country’s plans and strategies meant to stimulate investment in quality infrastructure for production of quality products to serve the local and international markets.

He said that in order for the country to benefit from various market opportunities in East Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC) SADC and the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCTA), having products with exceptional attractiveness and quality standards is important.
Nyari said the use of standards, quality control and certification helps to protect the market of products and services thus improving the goods positions in the competitive market.
She said the 6th phase government was making efforts to ensure that businessmen and investors have a better and enabling environment to do business productively and thus stimulate national economic growth.
The commemorations also went along with provision of awards by the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) to industrialists, traders and stakeholders for their outstanding performance in the sector.
The awards were in various categories which include Best company of the year, best product of the year, best service of the year, best international trader of the year and the best person adhered to standards.
TBS board chairman, Prof Othman Chande urged producers to continue investing in more creative initiatives in order to perform well in the sector.
“We are happy to see people competing well to produce quality and attractive products, we have seen major improvement every year during these commemorations,” he said.
Dr Athuman Ngenya, TBS director said the commemorations of the World Quality Week has great benefits, as it helps encourage and stimulate production of quality products to compete well in the international market.
He said the institution will continue monitoring and supervising to ensure that producers and service providers produce quality products that adheres to all the required processes.