Product Certification


There are various steps the producer should consider before obtaining a license to use the TBS quality mark on its product.

1. Application

Application for obtaining a product quality mark is made by the applicant via the electronic system (i-SQMT) available via the TBS ( website on the E-service button or directly via a

After the application is completed the date of the initial review is scheduled. it should be considered that the factory owner should be in production on the day of conducting an initial inspection

2. Initial Inspection

Initial inspection is done by TBS inspectors. A sample is taken and tested to check if a product meets the set standards. The inspector then prepares an initial report and a checklist of issues which are to be amended by the factory.

3. Testing

The samples which were taken are now tested in the TBS laboratories against relevant standards. After testing is done, a report is then given to the producer.

4. Standard Mark Licence

The decision whether or not to be given a licence depends on the initial report together with the laboratory report. Generally, both reports should show that the environment at the factory and production system have no problems. If there is any problem then the producer is required to make adjustments and later the inspector will go back and take another sample.

5. Validity of the licence

The standards mark licence is valid for one year only. Each year end the client has to seek for renewal to ensure that each certified client has a chance at mandatory level to be inspected once every year in case by chance the client missed to be inspected in between.

Requirements for Free Product Certification Service for Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs)

Every year the government sets aside a certain amount of money to assist Micro, Small and Medium sized Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) when they apply for certification of their products so as to acquire licence to use the TBS standards mark of quality. Some of them are not supposed to pay any fee due to their small capital. However, to be able to have their products certified under government subsidy, SMEs are required to get an introduction letter from the nearby office of the Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO). It is important to ensure that the letter clearly describes exactly what the entrepreneur is doing.

For more details on the Standards Mark Licence and Tested Product Certificate Scheme Procedure download the file below:

tbs mark licence and tpc certification scheme procedure