Product and Premise Registration


Premises and product registration are legal requirements that must be fulfilled by all those engaged in the business of food and cosmetics according to the Standard Act, No. 2 of 2009 amended by the Finance Act, 2019. According to the Act, no person shall manufacture, import, distribute, sell or expose for sale pre-packaged food and cosmetics unless the products are registered by the Bureau. The Act also restricts manufacture for sale, sell, supply or store food, food products or cosmetics except in premises registered under the Act.

The objective of premises and product registration is to ensure that only safe and quality products are approved and stored in premises which cannot jeopardize the quality and safety of the respective products with the aim of protecting public health.

2.Procedures for application for premises and product registration

Procedure for premises and product registration is as follows;

(i)The applicant has to visit the website of TBS, hosted at and register the company in the online application system in order to get an account (the user name and password).

(ii)Login to the Online application system and apply for a premises or product registration by filling-in the required information and upload the required attachments, and then submit the application online.

(iii)After preliminary review of the application, applicant is issued with a debit advice and a control number for payment of the prescribed fees.

(iv)After effecting the payments, applicant should submit samples for evaluation for product registration. For premises registration, physical inspection of the premises is done to asses compliance with the requirements.

For product and premise registration guideline kindly click the link below:

3.Granting and Validity of Registration

Once the Bureau is satisfied with the safety and quality of the product; the product get approved and issued with registration certificate or market authorization.

For the premises if it meets the set requirements, it get registered and issued with a premises registration permit.

The validity of registration is five (5) years for product and one year (1)for the premises.

4.Revocation, Cancellation and Suspension of Registration

The Bureau may revoke or suspend the registration of a registered premises or product if it considers necessary to do so for the interest of the public health or if it discovers that false information was submitted to the Bureau during application for registration.

The holder of the registration certificate will be informed and given an opportunity to appeal or make necessary rectifications where feasible.


Considering the sensitivity and the magnitude of the responsibilities facing the Bureau all dealers of the regulated products and premises of the regulated products should voluntarily comply with not only the requirements for product and premises registration but also other requirements as provided under the Act.Voluntary compliance by product dealers is considered by the Bureau as the most effective means of providing adequate protection of consumers against hazards related to consumption of unsafe products.