UNIDO supports TBS with capacity to promote quality and standards compliance among MSMEs

Posted On: May, 04 2023
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Key experts from the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) are attending a special pedagogical training for trainers (ToTs) by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with the aim of building their capacity to promoting compliance, costs reduction and market access among micro-, small and medium entreprises (MSMEs) in the country.

The training is part of a series of capacity building interventions under the European Union (EU)-funded QUALITAN project which aims to promote quality and standards for Tanzania’s MSMEs. A total of forty (40) from TBS headquarters and zonal offices including those in charge of planning, standardization, testing and metrology, training and research, among others, are participating in the training which is taking place in Bagomoyo, Coast region.

The project facilitates MSME to access compliance testing, reducing compliance costs whether in monetary terms or time delays, and facilitate market accessibility and cross-border trade. These interventions will also contribute towards synchronization of various elements of the quality infrastructure.

Speaking about the training, the UNIDO Tanzania National Programme Officer, Gerald Runyoro, said that the objective of the training is to prepare TBS trainers to be able to educate their colleagues and other stakeholders involved in order to realize the objectives of the project.

This, he said, is part of the QUALITAN project which focuses on strengthening TBS’ capacity including the functioning and reach of laboratories, standardization activities, ICT and management of information systems.

“The ultimate goal is to support the MSMEs in order for them to comply with quality and standard requirements in order for them to access local and internation markets,” he disclosed. According to him, the project squarely fits into UNIDO’s mandate which is also fully recognized by Sustainable Development Goal nine (SDG-9), which calls for building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

“As a specialized Agency of the United Nations, UNIDO promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. We appreciate the financial support by the European Union and collaboration from TBS for jointly working together to achieve the overall objective of the project,” Mr. Runyoro said.

On his part, the TBS Director General, Dr. Athuman Y. Ngenya, expressed appreciation to UNIDO and EU for the project describing it as a shot in the arm to them in efforts to ensure quality and standards in the country.

“Our goal is to have sustainable standardization for high quality livelihood society through the promotion of standardization, safety and quality assurance in industry and commerce. So the QAUALITAN project adds to our efforts towards that overall objective,” he said.

Dr. Ngenya explained that through the project, TBS endeavors to increase MSMEs’ compliance with quality standards to widen their market access and enhance consumer protection.

Besides the pedagogical trainings, the QUALITAN project will also build capacity of TBS laboratories across the country through trainings and equipment provision, provide field attachments and study tours to key TBS experts.