Draft Standards for Public Comments
- DARS 1071-2024 Flavoured Black Tea
- DARS 1070-2024 Tea Code of Hygienic Practice for Processing and Packaging_2023-12-12[1]
- DARS 1069-2024_Tea Code of Practice for Planting and Harvesting
- TBSAFDC 29 (816) DTZS Code of prevention of Ochratoxin A in Cocoa
- TBS AFDC 29 (3212) DTZSGlossary for the terms used in cocoa and chocolate
- TBS AFDC 29 (2979) DTZS Determination of Cocoa Shell
- TBS AFDC 29 (2972) DTZS National Foreword- ISO 23275-2 Part 2 Quantification of cocoa butter equivalent-2
- TBS AFDC 29 (2972) DTZS National Foreword- ISO 23275-1 Part 1- Determination of the presence of cocoa
- TBS AFDC 29 (2967) DTZS drinking chocolate-specification
- Letter to stakeholder (TDC 9)
- Form for Stakeholders' comments
- TDC 5 (2436) DTZ-ISO 11092 Thermal and water vapor resistance
- TDC 5 (3208) DTZS Protection against body fluid - blood borne parthogens
- TDC 5 (3209) DTZS -ISO 13938 – 1Bursting (1)